On individualism, celebrating, Christmas and cultural appropiration.

On individualism, celebrating, Christmas and cultural appropiration.

In this post I’m going to dive a little deeper in topics that I’ve been reflecting for a while like individualism, celebrating and cultural appropriation. December is here and the only thing I can focus on is The Christmas Season. It’s everywhere. You know I’m all in for sustainability and don’t enjoy consumerism too much, but Christmas is supposed to be celebrated. No matter your religion. You don’t necessarily have to celebrate a Christian Christmas or any other religious holiday to enjoy the hype and the lights and the sweets; your families, your friends, the presents (no matter if it’s are just a simple hug or a tea with cookies) You can enjoy a celebration according to your taste and beliefs. You can also listen to December’s Playlist


I, myself was raised in a non-Christian environment but as an eclectic witch myself, I celebrate Yule, Christmas and if somebody gives me a new way of celebrating from any other belief system, I would gladly investigate about it and see if it fits my own beliefs and adapt it to myself.


I know some people frown upon celebrating or using symbols from a culture, religion or tradition that is not yours. I’ve never understood cultural appropriation as a thing itself. I understand respect. Whenever you do anything if you do it with respect, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I understand people defending their culture and trying to avoid others from taking something and corrupting a beautiful thing in a demeaning way, of course. That part of cultural appropriation I understand. Nonetheless, I’ve never felt a person from one single place or culture. I believe you are who you become, not who you are born or raised.

breakfast pantumaca, banana and coffee

We are a result of our upbringing and that means it doesn’t mean ourselves necessarily. Why are we so comfortable sometimes when we move to another country and stay there forever? Or how come we feel drawn to some foreign cultures as if it was our own?

cañones de Sil

I’ve tried many things in my life and I don’t really fit in many things my culture celebrates. You think about Spain and you think bullfighting. No, thanks. And many people from Spain believe the same. It’s clear I’m from the North and we are completely different from the stereotypical Spain, but that doesn’t mean a thing. I eat at times that people don’t understand here. My schedule for meals is French or maybe European. Why? I have no freaking idea, but when I eat at Spanish time my digestive system suffers. Yeah, that simple. Should I stick to the traditions from place I was born even if it hurts? I guess not.


I feel like I belong to many places and many cultures, but I firmly believe I belong to every single celebration. I am an enthusiastic optimistic and love celebrating, not just my own culture but everyone else’s.

cañones de Sil

I think I should explain further. For me, celebrating doesn’t mean appropriating. Not at all. Not even renting. For me it feels like acknowledging other cultures that are not my own. Giving them attention and a space in my heart. I don’t make them my own, I join them.

a sketch and a coffe at starbucks

These last couple of years I’ve felt like individualism has sinked in. It’s been a change even in the most empathic, extroverted people. A huge switch. I saw a friend last week and we talked about how sometimes we make plans with people and when the other part cancels, we feel relieved. That didn’t happen to either of us before. It’s obvious we need me-time more often, but we are becoming too individualistic lately.

selfie in the car

That’s why I feel like this Christmas is going to help us (humans) become a little bit more extroverted again. We seek balance, and we can’t skip time for ourselves. You know what I mean. Life is about sharing but not to a point that you don’t have time for yourself. Enough so you can enjoy and learn from it.


I hope you have a wonderful time this December and enjoy your holidays. Winter Solstice is a great opportunity for letting all that don’t serve us go. I definitely will be setting some New Year’s goals and I’m deep cleaning and tidying up some parts of the house.

breakfast cereal, cacao and tamarillo

I love winter, it makes us go inside and Christmas makes us go inside together. Let’s celebrate this month for what it is: an opportunity for love, happiness and sadness. Every feeling is valid and every day is magical, no matter what happens. All my love,

girl with a santa christmas hat

PS: I’ve started the VLOGMAS this year (in Spanish). You can watch it on my youtube channel 🙂

Take a look at some seasonal recipes so you can start planning your holiday menu!

This Christmas Spreads:

vegan gluten free christmas spread

Or maybe an easy Mulled Cider:

mulled cider

Of course, you can also try a nice cheese board, made in seconds:

cheese board
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