January 2023: The Winter Blues

January 2023: The Winter Blues

It’s the first month of 2023 and even though I’m a very optimistic person, I can’t help but feeling the winter blues. January is a dark month, even if in Yule the light won over darkness and days are becoming longer. Darkness and cold, but specially damp weather make me feel lethargic and sad. I don’t talk too much about Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in here, although it’s a big passion of mine studying both. In Ayurveda, we call that Kapha. Excess Kapha in my already half-kapha constitution makes me feel grief. Grief is an emotion associated with the lungs and it feels so close to the heart that it almost makes you believe you have a hole instead some days.

Cereal, tamarillo and cacao

Here’s the January playlist, I recommend you play it while you read. I always write these posts while I’m listening to them, so there’s a connection there ☺️

Of course, I know how to handle these emotions. But, even though, some days…it makes me wonder if there’s a way I can stop feeling like this. Especially in the morning. I’m a morning person and I usually wake up very early (before 6:00) But in winter, I just can’t. I think this is part of the problem, because whenever I start waking up early again, I become happier and life is lighter. But the darkness and the rain, it makes it impossible. I have to fight the feeling of feeling better with the actual feeling of not being capable of getting out of the bed.

And I know, many of you, may think…but you have a heater right? Yeah, I’m not talking about the cold and the humidity inside the house, I’m talking about the seasons, nature, Gaia.

mushrooms on the road galicia

It’s funny because everytime I talk to people about the seasons and how attuned I am to them, they look at me with a distant glare. As if they can’t really understand. Living in the countryside makes you more aware of these changes, but once you start living your life in a more conscious way and in comunion with nature, you start becoming one with the Earth. Actually, you don’t start becoming one, you are one but then you start remembering.

pandoro cut in a star shape christmas

Life is so much easier if we go with the seasons, but that means it’s not going to be always happiness and cheerfulness. Winter used to be a time for staying inside, hybernating. There were many dangers in winter and we as humans couldn’t risk it. I am glad this has changed, but we live as if the seasons didn’t change sometimes, and we forget that this darkness is needed to let our seeds grow.

christmas tree

All that said, I sometimes fantasize about living in a warm (preferrably dry) place during the winter. Not the southern hemisphere, I love winter. But dryness. Galicia is such a wet place that makes it a little bit harder for me. It’s great for others with a dry constitution. Vata people are loving Galicia, I’m sure.

requeixo e mel ravioli and salad with chicken

By the way, if you’ve been reading for a while, I’ve changed a bit the way these monthly blogs go. I feel like you’d rather read a bit more about what’s happening and how I’m feeling than a list of things I’ve done and ate.

triay taberna coruña canelón

I’ll keep publishing the monthly playlist for now, because music is a great way to change how you feel, but I don’t know if I’ll keep doing them in the long run. I’ve been doing playlists privately for more than 5 years, and shared them since 2020. I feel like maybe, I could take a break from that. But that’s just a thought. Let me know if you want me to keep doing them.

As always, I hope your month is easy and smooth. I hope you become who you want to be this year and you stay like that as long as you wish to change again. Have fun and keep fooding!

3 thoughts on “January 2023: The Winter Blues

  1. Hola Silvia! Te leo desde hace ya un tiempo, escucho tus playlists on and off, así que si continúas publicándolas las seguiré, y si no, pues no pasa nada. Ahí están las que has ido compartiendo hasta ahora.
    Por alguna razón, hoy especialmente, me he visto muy reflejada en todo lo que escribes sobre el letargo de esta época invernal, y es que me siento tan identificada. Y eso que me gusta el invierno, la lluvia y el frío, pero…creo que por este año ya está bien, y necesito que llegue ya el sol.
    Como siempre, muchas gracias por esta entrada y por esas fotos tan chulas.
    ¡Feliz 2023!

    1. Gracias a ti Diana. Probablemente siga haciendo playlists. Supongo que hablaba el letargo, no yo. Son una parte que adoro de mi día a día y no lo hago por “trabajo” pero sí que es verdad lo que dices de este año.
      Yo creo que estamos acumulando todo lo anterior. Ya sabes que yo también soy de este clima, pero parece que ya tiene que venir la primavera. Mientras tanto seguiremos con el mood de enero, que a veces también toca meterse dentro 😁

      Me alegro de que te gusten este tipo de entradas un poco más personales, sentía como que me quedaba un poco en la superficie de las cosas simplemente resumiendo. Me alegro de que te puedas ver reflejada, al fin y al cabo eso es lo que nos ayuda a entender que todo está bien y no somos las únicas 😌
      Un abrazo enorme, y gracias otra vez (por todo)😘😘😘

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